Friday, January 23, 2009


It is out there for each and every one of us. Hidden in a book, dancing in the rain, or soaring with the wind. Happiness is everywhere. We may not see it sometimes, but we can feel it and we know it's there. Hapiness is that random smile from the stranger waiting at the bus stop. Happiness is sitting down and listening to the story of the man who lives on the street. Happiness is the little things we do that make us feel so good inside. Yes, there are times when we may feel like happiness has left us for good. We are filled with sorrow and anger. We lack hope and inspiration. But even in darkest corners of our lives there is still a spark. In the times when you feel like the world has come to an end, happiness is right beside you whispering, “Smile a bit and think a little harder” You will find the happiness. You will hold strong to your beliefs, because no one can ever take that away from you.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Stand up to Media!

You're not pretty enough, You're too shy, he's not cool, she's boring. Simple, small comments such as these put a dent in our self confidence leaving us with a feeling that we are not good enough for society. That sexy model you see on a billboard is airbrushed, no doubt. That person probably looks just like you and I.

We don't accept this fact though. We are taught that this is true beauty. Something that is utterly impossible is true beauty. It's sick. This is the face that people are attracted to. This is the body that we must have. Unhealthy, annorexic, bolemic, over powered with steroids. Why should I risk my life in order for someone to say "You're so hot, I wanna make love to you all night." Would you fuck me if I wasn't hot? Well...huh huh huh, tell me?! Atleast I'd be healthy and the one who would make love to me would do it because they are commited and love me for who I am.

And if the media doesn't call me pretty, I'll look in the mirror and say "I'm gorgeous". If I see a skinny person walking down the street, I'll pat my stomach and say "I like my triple scoop sundae with some whip cream and a cherry ontop". The media? What is the media? You want me to listen to you? I don't even know who you are!

Maybe I am an outsider. So what? I am deviant. Why the heck does it feel so damn good sometimes? People say we are all different and this is a good thing, but are we really? Truthfully, everyone is the same. Only once we accept and understand this fact will we be different, intellectual, individuals with opinions and ideals of our own. Only once we understand that we are the same can we make a change to be different.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Are We For Real

Thoughts, Dreams, Feelings, it's about time I started writing them down...or have they been written already?What will I say? Well there are so many things to say. Too many in fact. And will words change anything...maybe...maybe not.A single person is so small. So weak. How could any one person on this earth become strong? Be influential in any way? Even have their own thoughts? Is it even possible? What I am writing at this moment is probably also going through the mind of someone in some foreign country, maybe even in the mind of a girl who lives just down the street. They could be thinking exactly the same thoughts that I am thinking and if they saw this blog they would just feel even smaller than they already are. Maybe no one is unique. We strive to be known, to break records, to win the souls of the world. And even if we have become known we have not and will never win the souls of everyone for there will always be an opposing force driving into us, telling us that we are wrong. Are we standing figures in society or are we just pieces of dust blowing in the wind, bound to be recognized for a moment, but then forgotten?