Thursday, September 17, 2009

He has no religion

We talked about theories and philosophy and one of his ideas struck me. I asked him, What is your religious background?" He simply claimed that he had none. Now I had never met a person without a religion. The strange thought intrigued me and I wondered to myself, "What if he is right? What if everyone just lived completely without religion? What would they believe in?" Well he believed in the present. No expectations, just living, living to our full potential.

Is tradition enough reason to follow something that may have no logic or proof behind it? Must we commit ourselves to the past instead of creating our own being? There are theories that religion is only based on stories written by people just like us. It was all made up by storytellers who wanted to create a belief system and in the older days a system of ruling and government.

Then it all changed. Religion changed according to new developments and found its way into the contemporary world. This shows that religion is flexible and then once it becomes flexible people decide on their own version of an ideal religion and from there it just keeps branching off. Then each person believes in something different resulting in separation from communities and at many times, conflict between the branches. Conflict in saying that one belief is superior to another.

But if their was no religion then none of this conflict would exist. People would be more accepting of each other and would more easily relate to the other person's needs. If there was no religion then a stronger community base may be formed and similar lifestyle would keep people together.

We should ask ourselves why we believe in or do what we do and then when we come up with the answer ask why again and see if the answer really contains the reason and understanding that it should.

Religion is quickly decreasing as time goes on and new ideas and technologies are developed. There could be a chance that one day religion will completely disappear, and in many years a new group of storytellers will gather and create something called religion which will become the belief and take over once again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


They didn't know him, but they refused to give him a chance. He was freindly, loveable, sweet, and all he really wanted was attention and companionship. His existence, a question in the fact of what he was and just how small he was compared to everyone else. They scorned his kind even though in truth what they scorned was the type that lived in the darkness of the dank sewers, below the busy streets. He turned to his comfort, the only thing he could really rely on in his life, food. He ate and ate and when he had none he seeked it out.

And that was his life, eat, sleep, search, eat, sleep. Until the one, the different one, accepted him and said, "I will give you a home and food, I will give you companionship." And in a world where they didn't accept him, someone removed themselves from they and took a chance. We'll just call this someone X. Now he was suprised when X offered him this and in the beginning he was hesitant. X promised him that everything would be okay and that he would be well taken care of. And eventually the trust grew...and grew. No judgement showed the kindness, for this was real truth which no one but X seemed to understand.

I am X. Who am I? I'm somebody who will take the chance to get to know something and stop to see it's individuality and beauty instead of simply walking away. My little friend? Well I know there are many people who won't even take the chance to meet him and I disagree with their judgement. Sadly many people are like that and no matter what they are told about the goodness of something they will remain unconvinced and unwilling to risk the judgement. The steroype blinds many. It's like we need the categories to make things easier for us. Truthfully a full stereotype is non-existant, because there will never be someone or something that fits its exact definition.
My friend is judged according to a stereotype and many people believe that he is what he is not. And if I state what he is...well, you too would make the judgement of whether you would accept him or not. So he will remain unnamed and unknown and maybe if you meet someone like him one day, you will rethink the blind judgement, that can easily be made towards him, and instead simply accept him for the individual he is.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Silence, nothing, yet everything. Silence is the breeze through my hair. Silence is the quite simple stare. Blankness, no thought, every thought. How can one thing contain two opposite feelings, two completely different meanings? The calm tranquility or deafening roar. The peircing sound that blows the mind. Silence that is a sound. It screams at you and you ask it why? Why are things the way they are?
Why does silence have this effect on us?
Peace and serenity, trust and beauty, keeping us completely intact, in one state of mind. And we feel comfortable with everyone and everything that is around us. Except when we're not because sometimes that silence becomes unwanted. These are the moments when the silence screams at us, "Say Something! Do Something!" and we stare blankly as the silence engulfs us. It takes over and strives to find its place. Silence, clear straightforward and knowing. A break in the silence and the thought is destroyed. The process, the flow, everything collapses. It's almost like a machine. Going and going and never never stopping, because it never ends. The break...the disaster or the relief? Silence, a confusing concept. I cannot define it and I believe that there is no true definition in it's analysis. It's all based on the person and the situation they are in. Sound or no sound? We don't really know, now do we?